
PIPA TIMELINE (redirected from PIPA Timeline)

Page history last edited by Cristina Lamb Guevara 10 years, 11 months ago



Note: Timeline is in process of being completed 






The International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT - Spanish Acronym) conducted some ILAC funded work on innovation histories (Douthwaite and Ashby, 2005) as well as an evaluation on impact pathways in an integrated weed management project in Nigeria (Douthwaite et al., 2003 and 2007)


Participatory Impact pathways Analaysis (PIPA) grew from this work.





PIPA was first used in Ghana during a three-day workshop, with seven projects funded by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF).

During this workshop, each project co-constructed their respective impact pathways in order to help the CPWF better understand the types of impacts its teams were envisioning.



JANUARY (17th - 20th

Volta Basin Workshop in Ghana


CPWF Impact Assessment Project (IA Project) is part of the Basin Focal Project (BFP), an initiative which focuses on carrying out ex-ante impact assessment for CPWF's projects in its nine basins.


Other CPWF-BFP impact pathways workshops conducted this year include:



FEBRUARY (13th - 15th) :

Mekong River Commission Workshop in Laos



MAY (27th - 29th) :

Karkheh Basin Workshop in Iran



JUNE (19th - 21st) :

Yellow River Workshop in China



JUNE (30th June - 2nd July) :

Indo-Gangetic Basin Workshop in Nepal



OCTOBER (10th - 12th) :

Volta Scaling Workshop in Ghana




The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) construct impact pathways for their eight meta-projects, and they structure their 2008-2010 medium-term plan around PIPA.


DECEMBER (11th - 15th)

P1 & P2 Impact Pathways Workshop in México







CPWF project and theme leaders write up stories showing the broad range of outcomes and impacts the CPWF is beginning to have. These stories - which highlight the productive results of impact pathways workshops - were compiled into the following report:





PIPA tools are adopted by an EU-funded project - the European-Latin American Project on Co-Innovation in Agricultural Ecosystems (EULACIAS) - for their project planning, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).



MARCH (12th - 14th) :

EULACIAS Impact Pathways Workshop for Mexican case (UACh/CIAT)



APRIL (11th - 13th) :

EULACIAS Impact Pathways Workshop for Uruguayan case (FAGRO/CIAT)



AUGUST (15th - 17th) :

EULACIAS Impact Pathways Workshop for Argentinean case (INTA & CIAT)




NOVEMBER (15th - 17th) : 

Limpopo Basin - South Africa








The original PIPA framework is adapted and used for ex-post evaluation purposes in the Andean Change Alliance program.


The Andean Change - a learning alliance - partners the International Potato Centre (CIP) and CIAT, with regional organisations, with the purpose of promoting the use of participatory methods through case studies, and then using the evidence of its positive impact to formulate and implement public policies.


PIPA is applied to monitor and evaluate outcomes and impacts of all participatory methods across the Andean region (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia). Through their work, experience and reflections, the Andean Change further develops the methodology and create a guide (Delgado and Arevalo, 2009) which presents concepts and procedures to obtain evidence about the scope and impact of the application of participatory methodologies in agricultural innovation.


They produce a series of studies which document the efficacy of participatory methods for improving livelihoods of the rural poor. These results can be read in their final report (see June 2011) 




APRIL (30th - May 3rd) :

Second Call Projects - Thailand




MAY (10th - 12th) :

Nile Basin Workshop in Ethiopia





ILAC uses PIPA for its own learning-based evaluation (no links yet)






APRIL (21st - 24th) :

Rice Postharvest Project - Viet Nam






JUNE (5th - 6th) :



(this section is incomplete)





NOVEMBER (24th - 26th) :

SASHA Value Chain Project - Rwanda



(this section is incomplete)







The Andean Change Alliance (CIP & CIAT) publishes their final technical report: 'National Agricultural Innovation Systems that Work for the Poor - Building on the Bolivian Experience', which serves to demonstrate the effectiveness of participatory local development methodologies in the Andean region in improving the livelihoods of poor people, and how such findings can be used in dialogue leading to pro-poor policy change. 


An overview of these findings can also be found summed up in the following slideshow: Impact Pathways for Impact Evaluation: The Case of Alliance for Andean Change (2007-2011)





CGIAR launches the Global Rice Science Partnership initiative (GRiSP) to help reduce poverty, boost food security and environmental sustainability by enhancing the ecosystem resilience of rice production systems. 


GRiSP places a strong focus on partnerships, and is guided by an evidence-based impact pathway. PIPA is part of their new impact pathway focus which aids to facilitate multi-stakeholder platforms.


OCTOBER (10th  - 12th) :
GRISP Workshop - Senegal







(this part is incomplete)






FEBRUARY (26th - 28th) :

The 'Impact Pathways for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in South-East Asia' workshop is held in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

In attendance are CCAFS, all the CGIAR research programs based in the region, as well as various South Asian agricultural department and meteorological agencies. 




APRIL (11th) :

Sophie Alvarez - Monitoring and Evaluation consultant at CIAT - is invited by USAID's Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) to present on the PIPA methodology at the 'Thought Leader in Learning' seminar.






CGIAR has launched the Livestock and Fish research program (L&F), which aims to increase the productivity of small-scale livestock and fish systems in sustainable ways, making meat, milk and fish more available and affordable to poor consumers across the developing world.


To help ensure the results of their work are brought to scale locally and globally, the CGIAR L&F program is using PIPA and conducting Impact Pathways workshops in each of their nine program target value chains.


So far, four workshops have taken place:


APRIL (23rd) :

Small Ruminant Value Chain - Ethiopia



MAY (7th - 8th) :

Dairy Value Chain - Tanzania



JUNE (27th - 28th) :

Pig Value Chain - Uganda



AUGUST (5th - 9th) :

Dual Purpose Livestock Value Chain - Nicaragua




to be mentioned? :



- Projects that will be using PIPA (ASSETS project - Attaining Sustainable Services from Ecosystems through Trade-off Scenarios)











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