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People act on the basis of their understanding of how the world works – their ‘theories of action’ (Argyris and Schön, 1974). We do X because we believe, based on past experience or what we've read, that Y will happen.


This applies to projects and programs as well. So it follows that if you can improve a project’s theories of action you can improve how people implement it (project is used here to mean both project and program). This has long been recognized by a particular branch of evaluation, called program theory evaluation, which describes projects’ theories of action in a ‘logic model’ and then evaluates the project using the model as a framework. Traditionally, logic models describes how project outputs are developed with, and used by, others to achieve chains of outcomes that contribute to eventual impact on social, environmental or economic conditions.


The Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis (PIPA) approach allows project staff and stakeholders to jointly describe the project’s theories of action and then develop their Impact Pathways. The term ‘impact pathways’ is synonymous with ‘theories of action’ and ‘program theory’, we use the term because it is more widely understood in agricultural research.

In this wiki, you will find:



I - Introduction to PIPA

History and Development of Methodology


II - PIPA manual

PIPA tools for conducting a workshop


III - Outcomes Logic Model (OLM)

In-depth description of the OLM tool


IV - Impact Narrative  

Description and examples.


V - PIPA References

Articles, workshop reports, slideshows, etc.


VI - Media

Photos & Videos


VII - Events

Talks, workshops, etc.


VIII - Support

Discussion forum, FAQ, etc.


IX - Your Feedback

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